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Live from the Dining Room began as a tool, or jumping on point, for anyone interested in local and underground music and arts.  Creators Joe Galuppo and Shannon Dillon came up with the premise of a weekly audio outlet to bring awareness to the events, that most probably weren't aware of, on a drunken new years eve, and brought in production fellow Jason Wallace.  Once all level headed, we built a premise and have stuck with it ever since;  Play music in radio format, Promote upcoming underground music and art events, and include a forum for "in studio" acoustic or stripped down performances.  Almost two years later, that format continues.  


As of today, JW and JG are still at it, every Monday night, broadcasting live, opening our doors to performers, and doing our best to keep you informed on events and new underground music and artists.


Listen to Live from the Dining Room,  every Monday night, starting at 8pm broadcasting live from and also on the TuneIn Radio App available on most smartphones.  Check out our Podcast archive on iTunes, Stitcher, iOS Podcast App, Podbean... and other places.  Podcast Archives are always available and always free for virtually Forever

Jason Wallace

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Joe Galuppo

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732-860-0599 - Our Phone number is alway active. During our live shows, call for request, info from artists or just general criticism.  When we're offline, the phone number is an active voicemail. Leave a message and let us know what you want to hear. - email for all general information and submissions.  Send us your music or links there and we will absolutely play it, let us know of some upcoming shows and we'll plug away. 


@diningroomradio - we're semi active on social media, and thats where you'll find us.  Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.  Follow along if you want to keep up with what we're putting together for your ears.

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